Assistant Mine Manager, Overman, Mine Surveyor Vacancy

Assistant Mine Manager, Overman, Mine Surveyor Vacancy


Administrative Building, Dr. B. C. Roy Avenue Durgapur -713201, Dist. Paschim Bardhaman

Employment Notification No. : DPL/Recruitment/2021/04

The Durgapur Projects Limited (DPL), a Government of West Bengal Enterprise, engaged in the business of Generation of Electricity in the State of West Bengal invites applications from Indian Nationals to fill up the following posts for its Coal Mines Division.


Assistant Mine Manager, Overman, Mining Sirdar Vacancy
*Necessary deductions from remuneration shall be made as per relevant acts/laws.

Initial engagement shall be made for a period of 01(One) year, extendable up to 03 years or more subject to satisfactory performance.


A)For Assistant Mine Manager Holding Second Class Certificate of Competency 


Qualification –

The Candidate should possess a Degree or Diploma in Mining Engineering from any recognized University /Institution approved by the Government of India in that matter, along with a Manager’s Second Class Certificate of Competency to manage a Coal Mine issued by The Board of Mining Examination {DGMS} with

1. At least 05 years experience in Coal Mine. Preferably in open cast Mine.

2. Valid First Aid Certificate of the standard of the St. John’s Ambulance Association of India.

3. Medical Fitness both Physical & Mental from a medical practitioner holding at least MBBS degree And registered with Medical Council of India

4. A Certificate from some person of good repute as to the general good conduct and antecedents of the candidate.

B)For Overman:-


 The Candidate should possess an Overman’s Certificate of Competency (Coal) Issued by DGMS along with 

1. 05 years experience in any Coal Mine(Preferably in open cast Mine).

2. Gas Testing Certificate awarded by DGMS.

3. Valid First Aid Certificate of the standard of the St. John’s Ambulance Association of India.

4. Medical Fitness both Physical & Mental from a medical practitioner holding at least MBBS degree And registered with Medical Counsel of India

5. A Certificate from some person of good repute as to the general good conduct and antecedents of the candidate.

C)For Mine Surveyor:-


The Candidate should possess an Surveyor’s Certificate of Competency (Coal) Issued by DGMS along with 

1. 05 years experience in any Coal Mine(Preferably in open cast Mine).

2. Gas Testing Certificate awarded by DGMS.

3. Valid First Aid Certificate of the standard of the St. John’s Ambulance Association of India.

4. Medical Fitness both Physical & Mental from a medical practitioner holding at least MBBS degree And registered with Medical Counsel of India

5. A Certificate from some person of good repute as to the general good conduct and antecedents of the candidate.

Age Limit: 

The candidate (for all posts as at Sl No. 1, 2 & 3) should be below 45 years of age on the date of making application. Proof of age is to be provided during Personal Interview (PI).

III. Production of Certificates

Candidates are required to produce all certificates / documents in original during Personal Interview (PI). 


Reservation norms in respect of the above mentioned position shall be maintained as per the guidelines issued by the Government of West Bengal from time to time.

SC (Schedule Castes)/ST (Schedule Tribe)/OBC (Other Backward Classes) candidates from the states other than West Bengal have to apply as General category candidate. 


a) Selection to the afore-mentioned position shall be made through Personal Interview (PI).

b) Candidature of applicants shall be liable for rejection at any stage of recruitment process or even after recruitment or joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found false or is found not to be in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the employment notification. 

c) The applicant(s) working in Government/Semi-Government/PSU/Autonomous bodies should produce the NOC (No Objection Certificate) issued by his /her employer at the time of interview without which he/she shall not be allowed for interview.

d) The departmental candidates for the above posts would be allowed maximum relaxation of age up to 47 years.

e) No TA or other expenses shall be admissible to the candidates appearing for the interview.

f) The DPL reserves the right to relax age and qualification in case of deserving candidates.

g) The DPL reserves the right to withdraw/cancel the advertisement /recruitment process if circumstances so warrant without assigning any reason thereof.

h) In case of any dispute, the decision of the DPL management shall be final.

i) In case of any dispute, the legal jurisdiction shall be that of the Honb’le High Court, Kolkata.

Interested candidates may submit their application giving details as per enclosed format (Annexure A) along with self-attested copies of testimonials, two passport size photographs, addressed to The General Manager(HR&A), DPL, Administrative Building, Dr. B. C. Roy Avenue, Durgapur – 713 201, Dist. Paschim Bardhaman within 16.11.2021 at 05.00 P.M., super scribing the name of the position applied for.

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